January 18, 2016

Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me. Psalm 7:1

When we were little, it was fun to play Hide and Seek. We would hide in the best place possible for the seeker would not find us and quite possibly eventually give up. Children may still participate in this activity. I observed it last summer in a swimming pool where little ones were playing “Marco Polo” in the same fashion. As we grow up, these situations go away or do they? The Psalmist reminds us our Lord is present to save us from being pursued.

Unfortunately, as a nation, we are pursued in many ways. We are sought out by the IRS to pay taxes. Individuals who are not well mentally go after us and commit an unforgettable crime. In 2001, terrorists sought the United States out on an individual basis and in turn; we, as a country lost too many lives. It is not always a good idea to play Hide and Seek but then when we do play, do we remember how and not where to be safe?

It is our best Friend who keeps us safe. We can turn and go to Him at any time and have protection. Martin Luther was certainly accurate in noting “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Indeed, God is “a bulwark never failing; our helper he, amid the flood.” He continues with additional words which help us in these situations. “the Man of God’s own choosing. You ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is he; Lord Sabaoth his name, from age to age the same.” What better words are these to know we have Someone who protects us!

Timothy Keller, mentioned in last week’s writings, states: “If we trust in God’s wisdom and will, then we have peace regardless of the immediate outcome.” I add a little note about peace-simply to say, “Let there be peace and let it begin with me.” Our God knows what He is doing ALL the time. Let us take refuge in this and trust Him with all which is following us.

Prayer: Make us mindful, o God, “It is only (your) opinion of us that counts, and that will prevail.” Amen.

Jeff Spang


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