January 15, 2016

I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. Psalm 34:1

There are several things I like as part of my life and note these are not in any specific order. I enjoy quite a few sports, a Nicholas Sparks book, dogs, nature, working with numbers, driving, and music. To listen to music is one of my favorite pastimes. I would like to extend this thought further.

When I am writing these devotionals or working at my desk, I like soft music playing in the background. I do not like hard rock, a loud band or someone singing out of tune. Call me old fashion even though I am over 60 but this is what I prefer. While living in Atlanta, I stumbled upon Pandora, a website which I enjoy on practically a daily basis. One artist I enjoy immensely is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Mormons have different beliefs than we but they know how to sing. Janet and I were in Saratoga Springs, New York last year when they were there for a concert. Simply marvelous! Speaking of religious music let me expound for a bit about my favorite hymn: “When Morning Gilds The Skies.”

The opening words, “When morning gilds the sky, our hearts awaking cry May Jesus Christ be praised.” My friend, it does not have to be morning for Christ to be praised. You know as well as I do He can be praised at any time!

“To God, the Word on high” There is no other word higher than what He has provided us with in the Bible. It certainly does not come from the Supreme Court or the President as the Scriptures are beyond compare.

Music is full of notes being together to make a beautiful sound. “. . . in joyful notes resound.” Take a look at the hymnal and see what wonderful selections mention joy. “Joy to the World and Joyful; Joyful We Adore Thee are just a couple examples. No matter what is happening to us, let us be glad He is present.

“Be this, when day is past, of all our thoughts the last: May Jesus Christ be praised.” Do not go to bed without thanking Him for what He has done within your day. After all, when Jesus is my portion; My constant Friend is he.

Prayer: “when from the heart we say: May Jesus Christ be praised!” Amen

Jeff Spang


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