January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016

January 14, 2015

I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Exodus 6:7a

What a feeling to be one of God’s people! Besides our parents, spouse and children, there is someone who cares for us. This individual is not seen face to face as Moses discovered. Yet, He is present in every endeavor we undertake. It is disappointing to know He is not a part of more lives because the world would certainly be different. Take a look and see in part what makes Him so special to us.

As Timothy Keller relates in part, “He expects us to come to him for refuge from our grief, fear and pain. . . We are to have confidence that he is the God who told Moses that he would faithfully commit himself in love to us, in grace, despite our sins and flaws.” Our response should be of thanksgiving we have someone who cares for us in this way.

Implementing phrases from a prayer of Keller’s: “All-knowing Lord, you see what is in my heart. All-powerful Lord, I don’t have the power to accomplish what needs to be done, so I spread out my requests before you.” Isn’t it wonderful to know there is a God who knows us inside and out?

The Psalmist in Psalm 4 poses an interesting question: “How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?” We are not to debate whether we have a divided heart (Keller). It is to be 100% in accordance with the Scriptures, the guidebook for our lives. As Christians, we are to look up to Him, follow the path He has for us and be guided to “lie down in green pastures.”

Every four years, the United States decides on who our leader will be. There have been notable ones such as Washington, Lincoln and F.D.R. However, we should know there has been and is only true leader. His name is Jesus Christ. What wonderful words from a hymn: “God reigns! Earth rejoices! God will dwell among us; God will show the way.” Take time today to pray for those who do not know Him to turn their life over to one who is really interested in us.

Prayer: May we always acknowledge our God as Lord of all. Amen

Jeff Spang

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