January 13, 2016

How the gold has lost its luster, the fine gold become dull! Lamentations 4:1a

Recently, we have learned of rewards and winning. We are elated with this result as we feel on top of the world. No one or nothing can defeat us. However, what happens when the opposite occurs. We lost, were defeated or beaten soundly. Do we feel dejected and lower our heads. We DEFINITELY should not because we are still a winner. Why? We have a teammate the opposition may not have or even never heard of. His name is Jesus Christ and we are a winner in every contest win, lose or draw.

Think of the parable when the shepherd has lost one sheep of 100. He feels down that one has gotten away from the fold. Does he think about letting this one escape and not caring if it returns? No, he looks for it and is elated when he has found it. When we stray from God because of sin or other reason, He welcomes us back with His grace. What a feeling!

While working at home, you have misplaced a coin. You think what now and I can’t go forward without it. Do you give up since it is only one coin? I would think you would pray. Guess what-you later find it. Once again, you have been rewarded.

Believe it or not, there is a down side to losing as Paul explains in 1 Corinthians: “Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.” Why would this happen? I believe it is because we have not given credit Him for the many rewards He has given us such as His forgiveness and love He showers us with. Instead, let us always keep awake in one sense and be rewarded in all we do and wherever we may be.

Prayer: As the Lord searches for the lost, may we be a continual winner, rewarded and even in defeat know it was for the best since the best teammate is on our side. Amen

Jeff Spang

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