January 26th Devotional

January 26th Devotional

January 26, 2016

Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you. Jeremiah 7:23

We looked at how the word “hate” is ineffective in our thoughts. Another part of our personality which is not becoming is simply not being obedient. It does not gain popularity or achieve more love but quite simply, unbecoming to our lives as Christians.

As one commentator stated, “God formalized them, (certain truths), in the Bible so that people would remember them accurately over the centuries.” The most common examples are the Ten Commandments. Yet, look at our world and unfortunately, daily we read or hear of one being broken. What does it achieve? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

The writer continues, “A life of obedience is a good thing. Just as house rules exist so that a family operates well, God’s “house rules” of love, fairness, faithfulness and honesty make all of life work well. God gives us rules not because He wants to deprive us of having fun but because He wants the best for us, to live life in the best way possible.” There’s an old saying that “It is better to give than to receive.” It is certainly accurate but in this situation, what a good feeling we would have if the receiving of what God has provided us with would make better individuals.

Within the Bible, there are many examples where we are led to obedience. Joshua, in talking to the Israelites, mentions the obedience of the law Moses had given them. Strange as it was to the disciples, we read that even “the wind and the waves obeyed Him.” Two verses, practically one following another within Colossians, Paul instructs us to “obey your parents in everything” and “obey your earthly masters.” These are almost the same but they are ones we look up to besides God Himself. Paraphrasing a later verse, isn’t it wonderful to have a love for God as well as obeying His commands?

Prayer: Help me to remember John’s words, in my daily endeavors, that I have received and heard the Word of our Lord, (now) assist me in obeying this way. Amen.

Jeff Spang


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