February 1, 2016

Then I said to you, (Moses to the Israelites), “You have reached the hill country of the Amorites, which the Lord our God is giving us. See, the Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deut. 1-20 & 21

Giving and receiving should be two attributes we are thankful for. This can be observed at birthdays, celebrations, holidays, weddings and Christmas. I have put Christmas last because it is the most important in a sense because we were given a gift better than any other. As noted, the ancient people were given a gift in the setting described yet it turned out to be one of a lack of appreciation. What does giving and receiving mean to you in the Christian sense or non religious view?

To me, I was given the best gift possible when realizing who my parents were. Like all of us, they had their faults but I loved them so much. I only wished they had been here last October 10th. On that day, I was given a gift from God which has turned out to be indescribable. These three individuals were presents I will forever treasure. There’s another date which I shall always recall, April 20th. The Lord Jesus Christ became my Savior. What gratitude I owe to the one true God!

Another example of giving and receiving should be one practiced by more Christians. I am referring to giving on Sunday mornings. It doesn’t take much unless you are very poor to put something in the offering plate. You receive something in return which again reaps gratitude. Thanksgiving should be your response for your church, the pastors and naturally God which definitely make Sunday the day to show appreciation and recognition.

As noted in today’s verse, the Israelites were given a new home. Reflect for a moment of all we have received: a home with utilities, land on which it resides, an automobile or two. This past weekend, we experienced a blizzard which may have been an unappreciated gift but on the other hand, how often do we thank God for giving us sunshine and yes, even rain? The ancient peoples were not very thankful for what God did for them as they turned to idols. Thank goodness, they eventually became grateful. Are we?

Prayer: When we recall what was given us, help us reflect o’ God, to receive by simply saying “How Great Thou Art.”In His name; we pray, Amen.

Jeff Spang


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