The Following are the prayers and concerns recently posted on our prayer wall. Please lift them in your prayers in the days and weeks ahead.
Damian, Debbie, Pat (surgery for the recurrence cancer), Janice B, Christine S, Madeline D, Ellen G, Don VW, Jim H, Kurt (diagnosed with cancer), Phil C, Jane O, Sharon, Debbie (friend of the Galloway’s).
- Praying for wisdom
- Help us to be grateful for our blessings
- Pray for a good test result
- Keep your head up. God wants to see your beautiful faces!!!
- Ask God to guide my Mom upon my Dad’s passing
- Please pray for peace and comfort in my family
- Chrissy as she faces more treatments
- For continued healing for Don and for his wife Sue and family
- For Gianna, 14 year old diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
- Pray for new ministry, the Leisure Lounge and may God bless it and be glorified
- For Natalie
- Little Mick, a 4 year old with brain and spinal cancer
- Please pray for a friend and her family going through depression and in a facility at the moment
- A friend battling alcoholism – 90 days sober
- Praying for my nephew struggling with his identity
- For Madeline as she adjusts to her new home
- For healing and patience for Michelle as she faces a long walk with her husband
- For Abby battling Lymphoma
- For brother- in- law Don as he continues his treatments for prostate cancer
- For a friend who has found the courage to file for divorce from an abusive husband
- For peace and patience, healing and strength for Ken undergoing chemotherapy
- Prayers for Elizabeth, 48 years old diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer. Currently having chemo, very sick.