Digital Prayer Wall

Digital Prayer Wall

The following are the prayers and concerns recently posted on our prayer wall. Please lift them in your prayers in the days and weeks ahead.

  •  Pray for Jimmy
  • Peace
  • May our special loved ones rest in peacefully
  • Prayers for an elderly women who has had a car accident
  • Pray for Carol suffering from back spasms
  • Prayers of comfort and sympathy for Ruth on the loss of her brother, Peter
  •  Pray for Chris
  • Pray for stress, relief, and sanity
  •  May the horrors of life not leave you bitter and depressed
  •  Praying for a job
  •  Please pray- my dog is sick
  • Ongoing trial
  • Help us to be grateful four our blessings
  • Keep your head up. God wants to see your beautiful faces!!
  • Please pray for peace ad comfort in my family.
  • For Gianna, 14 year old diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
  • Please pray for a friend and her family going through depression and in a facility at the moment.
  • Praying for nephew struggling with his identity
  • For healing and patience for Michelle as she faces a long walk with her husband
  • For brother-in-law Don as he continues his treatment for prostate cancer