Spirit Choir : April 6th!! We will be singing “Holy Forever” with the choir, guitar and bass. We will rehearse on March 16th,23rd and 30th after worship and then also the morning of April 6th. Please see Susan for details. We hope you will join us!!!
Bread of Life: March 30th!!! Sign up sheets for items needed are on the table outside of the library. Your help during coffee hour to make some sandwhich’s and organize the rest of the goodies is needed. Please consider taking a few minutes to lend your hands to this effort.
Food Bank Donations: ECF is in desperate need of healthy kid snacks, flour, rice, cooking oil and sprays, sugar, pasta sauce, Pediasure, cereal, pancake mix, maple syrup, juice box’s, peanut butter, jelly, coffee and tea. In addition to food items, they are also in need of personal hygiene products (e.g. toothpaste, brushes, deoterant and much, much more. Non – perishable food donations can be left at the ALRC gift- giving center.