

Souper Bowl of Caring –Help us help the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation’s food pantry!!!Its almost that time for a uniquely American Party – the Souper Bowl. Someone asked a very simple question: What is everyone watching donated a can of soup to their local food bank? What a “Souper” bowl that would be! That is what Souper Bowl of Caring is all about – a nationwide initiative created by the folks at Tackle Hunger designed to raise our awareness of food insecurities as well as making the request for contribution for the “always in need of refilling” shelves of local food pantries. As we have in years past, I am encouraging ALRC and our friends and neighbors to participate in this essential ministry. As you go shopping in the week’s before the Super Bowl, pick up some extra cans of soup and bring them to church by February 9th,2025. Lets make the winner our friends at the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation so no one goes “without soup in their bowl”

Bread of Life: January 26th!!! Sign up sheets for items needed are on the table outside of the library. Your help during coffee hour to make some sandwhich’s and organize the rest of the goodies is needed. Please consider taking a few minutes to lend your hands to this effort.

Food Bank Donations: ECF is in desperate need of healthy kid snacks, flour, rice, cooking oil and sprays, sugar, pasta sauce, Pediasure, cereal, pancake mix, maple syrup, juice box’s, peanut butter, jelly, coffee and tea. In addition to food items, they are also in need of personal hygiene products (e.g. toothpaste, brushes, deoterant and much, much more. Non – perishable food donations can be left at the ALRC gift- giving center.