March 1, 2016

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.   I John 1:9

In our connections with others, whether they are family or friends, forgiveness is essential just like trust, love and other emotions. Of course, we know we may be forgiven but the ultimate forgiveness comes from the Lord Himself. “If we expect to be forgiven, we need to practice forgiveness. Jesus gives a startling message about forgiveness: if we refuse to forgive others, God will also refuse to forgive us. Why? Because when we don’t forgive others, we are denying our common ground as sinners in need of God’s forgiveness. God’s forgiveness of sin is not the direct result of our forgiving others, but it is based on our realizing what forgiveness means (see Ephesians 4:32). It is easy to ask God for forgiveness, but difficult to grant it to others. Whenever we ask God to forgive us for sin, we should ask ourselves, “Have I forgiven the people who have wronged me?”

If someone and others had done wrong to you, there is no reason for you to keep track of how many times this occurred. This is exactly what Jesus meant in speaking to Peter about how many times should he forgive someone. Presuming they are truly repentant, forgiveness should be granted and not to be asked for over and over.

Our Lord knew what Judas and Peter had done to Him in the events surrounding Easter. However, this didn’t prevent Him from loving them. He still loves us unconditionally and will forgive us when we ask for it. The result was Judas could not ask while Peter did. Unfortunately, life ended in a tragic sense for one while the other understood because of his faith in God.

Two important facts to remember: “When we come to Christ, He forgives all the sins we have committed. We should confess our sins so that we can enjoy maximum fellowship and joy with Him.”

Prayer: May we be cleaned of our sins in turning to “One” who still love us despite our transgressions. Amen.

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