March 11th Devotional

March 11th Devotional

March 11, 2016

God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble.

Psalm 46:1 (The Living Bible)

How blessed we are to have Someone in our life who cares for us 24-7! He is present with us in our lives every second of every day. I pray you feel the way I do and that is simply I do not know what would be done without Him. My favorite verse shares this sentiment: “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” A well-known hymn echoes this as well: “I Need Thee Every Hour.” Till I became reacquainted with Janet, there were many days I do not know how I made it. But, it was His presence which led me to her. I truly felt to be a child of His.

Allow me to develop one of my earlier points when I mentioned Janet. We are aware of how we have a loving God. I could go on for quite a while and list all the positive qualities of Christ like the ones already mentioned. On this, my fifth month, counting full days, I have been married to Janet. I know without a shadow of a doubt the Lord sent her to be a part of my life. He knew I needed someone in my life here on Earth who displays the characteristics of our Lord. Without hesitation, I can say He, like always, was right on target. She has learned to know me like a book with her loving and caring ways. Down times, her presence is felt. We have shared so much and thankfully, we have been in accord on practically everything. The Lord knows when we need His assistance; well so does Janet. An important ingredient is being a child of God is to admit you need His help; then you will be able to see why He is there for you. I went through many difficult days after losing my parents but persistent prayer, God say, Do you remember Janet, she is still available?

In this writing, I have emphasized how our Lord cares. He knows our thoughts, feelings and needs and if you seek Him for these, He will provide. I know because like Lou Gehrig: “I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for who you are and sending me Your Son and Janet. Amen.

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