February 29, 2016

The serpent was the craftiest of all the creatures the Lord God had made. So the serpent came to the woman. “Really?” he asked. “None of the fruit in the garden? God says you mustn’t eat any of it?” Genesis 3:1 (The Living Bible)

When we are told something, it is our expectation to believe this particular point to be accurate and truthful. Unfortunately, there are times doubt enters the picture. Why do we doubt? Perhaps it is because we do not trust the speaker or feel the statement or story is not good enough to believe. Thank goodness, there is “One” we can always trust and witness this in reading His Word besides listening to response from prayer.

Doubts can diminish the faith we have in God. Look at how Satan did this with Eve as noted previously. He wanted Eve not to believe in what God had provided. God wanted her to share in the goodness that only He could give. Doubts we have will never produce sin if we thank God.

“Doubts can remind us we are relying on ourselves. Moses had witnessed God’s power in spectacular miracles, yet . . . he questioned God’s ability to feed the Israelites. If Moses doubted God’s power, how much easier it is for us to do the same.” To rely on God, at all times, is an important part of our walk with Him.

In Luke’s Gospel, it seemed John the Baptist was unsure in what he had heard about Jesus. Even though he had a feeling of uncertainty, God understood what John was experiencing. This leads us to know only the Lord can handle what we doubt and is always available to answer questions we pose to Him. If the latter does occur, admit them and look to the only “One” who can provide an accurate response. In addition, He will provide you with wisdom. Most of all, commit yourself, all of your being, to Him.

Prayer: Erase our doubts, Lord, that what we can truly believe comes from a wholeheartedly attitude in our Savior. Amen.

Jeff Spang


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