March 8, 2016

After fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry. The tempter came to Him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.     Matthew 4:2 & 3 

Before I start today’s writing on temptation, an important note about the mini study on Jesus Christ is that the last devotion on this essential topic will be written on Good Friday and will cover His resurrection.

Hopefully, whether we are Christians or not, temptation should be an area to be avoided. It is employed by those individuals who simply are up to no good. A couple examples would be the tempter noted above and Satan whose appearance was involved with Adam and Eve. An essential fact about temptation is simply it is not sin. Sin is when we disobey God. This development does not occur here.

Besides noting a fact that temptation is not being against God, it should be stated this act occurs when we are vulnerable. Look at the example of God. This did not occur to Him when He was teaching in the temple or with John the Baptist. It did take place when He was tired and hungry. Despite this, the Lord was able to face up to the tempter. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve did not! The best solution is to have a plan escaping yourself from this action.

In reading about this mischievous act, there were three steps given to get away from this action. 1. Ask God in prayer to assist you in staying away from people, places or situations that may tempt you, 2. Use the Bible to locate verses which would help you in fighting these situations and 3. Find another believer with whom you can openly discuss your situation, and be able to call this individual when the need arises. The twelfth verse of James’ first chapter is an excellent verse to know for it states the rewards for those who do not give in.

Prayer: Lord, unfortunately there are times an enemy tries to mislead us into trouble or a difficult situation, lead us to the One who can provide us with strength to combat these unpleasant times. Amen.

Jeff Spang


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